An easily produced, flat spring ideal for uses in constrained or rugged applications
Problems Addressed
Springs are used in over 100,000 products. New technologies are requiring smaller designs without any compromise in function or quality. The SFIMS technology is not only small but can be customized to exact force specifications in a variety of materials. Manufacturing of this technology is also incredibly simple.
Technology Overview
The Scalable Flat In-plane-motion Mechanical Spring (SFIMS) is a planar mechanical spring that moves within its plane of fabrication. This allows it to fit into spaces where traditional coil springs cannot, or replace coil springs to create more compact devices.
Stage of Development
The SFIMS is well-developed. Working prototypes that demonstrate the technology have been produced in various materials and sizes. Further refinement for specific commercial applications is still required.
- Fits into small spaces where traditional coil springs cannot
- Stiffness can be easily altered to fit application requirements
- Simple manufacturing
- Can be fabricated from a wide range of materials
- Single-use injection devices and medical staplers
- Catheters with self expanding mechanisms
- Micro electrical mechanisms (MEMs)
- Guns and firearms
Additional Information
Sell Sheet:Download the Sell Sheet here
Marketing Plan: Download the Marketing Plan here
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Connect with the BYU TTO to:
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- Request additional data/information
- Receive a commercialization plan
- Speak with the technology manager