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33 results found
Electronics & Instrumentation Chemistry Pharmaceuticals / Nutraceuticals Physics
ID: 2018-037 This technology is based on the use of phages infecting a bacteria and, as a byproduct of phage infection, antimicrobial components are released that can kill nearby infectious pathogens
ID: 2018-057 and 2014-098 BYU has discovered monocytes in the blood that provide a direct correlation to dopamine levels in the brain.
ID: 2019-006 Treatment for substance abuse by mechanical vibration of the spine.
ID: 2019-015 Recombinant human Gal-1 treatment improves membrane repair capacity, increases myogenic markers and decreases inflammation in dysferlin deficient myotubes, providing novel evidence regarding how Gal-1 favorably improves muscle function in LGMD2B.
ID: 2019-016 A rapid, portable, and economic alternative to existing measurement methods for the activity or quantity of enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, or transcription- and translation-dependent biomolecules.
ID: 2020-039 Production of hydrogen from Carbohydrates using viologen catalysts