Oriceps: Origami Inspired Surgical Forceps Skip to main content

Oriceps: Origami Inspired Surgical Forceps

ID: 2013-053 A simple solution that minimize the materials needed to perform a surgery.

ID: 2013-053
Principal Investigator: Larry Howell

By definition, forceps are pincers or tweezers used in the surgical process. Typically for a microscopic scale surgery, an advanced set of technology is needed to produce forceps that have full movement in such a small area. Another issue to be solved is that once the surgery has been completed the forceps must be thoroughly cleaned or completely replaced. This is an expensive process on both ends of the spectrum as cleaning is difficult and time-intensive while current disposable options cost hundreds of dollars.

The Origami inspired Surgical Forceps are a combination of minimalistic design and simplicity. The forceps begin as a flat plane and fold out into a more complex structure allowing for a more complex motion compatible with current surgical tooling. Because of its simplistic design, these allow for a gentle motion providing more accuracy and precision, especially in situations that lack force feedback.

Another issue that this product solves is in the machining and packaging area. The planar body is made of one material and of one piece. This allows for considerably cheaper manufacturing as well as minimization of the machining process that can be done with stamping, laser cutting, and other common flat processes. In addition to reductions in cost to manufacture, shipping the forceps while still flat also increases in packaging and shipping savings.

About the Market:
The market for the Forceps would be companies involved in hospital surgical environments. The low costs to manufacture and ship lead to higher quantities available to be sold and disposed of. Certain companies that are in this market to look further into may be companies that develop minimally invasive hand tools, minimally invasive robotic surgery, and other companies using more traditional methods.

For more information, contact 801-422-6266

Links and Resources

  1. One Page Summary PDF
  2. Radio Broadcast - Aired January 11, 2016
  3. Inventor Webpage
  4. Compliant Mechanisms Research Group Webpage