Low Noise, Near-Eye Display With Integrated Waveguide Elements Skip to main content

Low Noise, Near-Eye Display With Integrated Waveguide Elements

ID: 2017-045 Improvements in path and capability waveguide-based, near-eye 3D displays.

Principal Investigator: Daniel Smalley

The approach of BYU researchers has the potential to provide thin, transparent holographic displays with the unique capabilities of leaky mode modulators such as polarization rotation, large angular sweep and frequency control of color.

This technology comprises the following improvements -

  1. Reduced input noise by on-chip frequency doubling
  2. On-chip pulsing for descan
  3. Pulse timing for horizontal resolution
  4. Low noise waveguide by RPE for large aperture
  5. Secondary substrate (easier fab, efficiency, angle bias, clarity, Brewster window, electro-optic parameters etc.)
  6. Optical relaying (vertical scan at fourier plane)
  7. Subdivided channels for improved view angle vertically multiplexed (and optionally staggered to preserve large aperture)
  8. Brute force vertical resolution
  9. Electro-optic vertical scan and multiplex

These improvements decrease noise, cost and complexity when compared to previous instantiations of accommodative 3D near-eye displays. These improvements also increase resolution, viewangle and capability of accommodative 3D near-eye displays.

About the Market:

This invention will be used in creating and improving near-eye displays. The microdisplay market is estimated to grow from $812 Million in 2017 to $1.7 Billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 13.2% between 2017 and 2023. The rising adoption of portable devices such as HMDs and HUDs and the increasing application areas of microdisplays are some of the driving factors for the growth of the market. Near-eye display device segment led the microdisplay market in 2016, and near-eye display devices are expected to be a major share holder in the following years.

For more information, contact 801-422-6266

Links and Resources

  1. https://ece.byu.edu/faculty/daniel_smalley