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Full Color, Volumetric Display Capable of Occlusion

ID: 2014-077 A full color, volumetric display that can be used as a screenless display.

Principal Investigator: Daniel Smalley

Using multiple lasers, particles are manipulated and illuminated to create a multicolored, 3D, occlusion capable, screenless display with perfect accommodation cues and extremely large color gamut.

To create this display, a laser to trap the particle is used. An invisible (e.g. IR or UV) or visible laser can be used to accomplish this. The trapping laser is sent through some scanning and focusing optics. The scanning mechanisms can be galvanometers or an SLM. The focusing optics focus the laser down and creates a trap. The wave front of the trap can be modified to create a more or less effective trap. A particle is inserted into the focus. More lasers are then used to illuminate the particle. These lasers do not have to be collinear, the location can be arbitrary. The figures on the right illustrate the setup.

About the Market:
Applications of the technology include: simulation and visualization (e.g. air traffic control), as an augmented reality tool for engineering and construction with 3D points sharing space with real objects (e.g. Iron Man 3D display), consumer use at home, and anywhere a 3D display would be helpful. Being estimated at $31.83 billion in 2014, the global 3D Display market is expected to reach $112.9 billion by 2020, registering a CAGR of 26.8% during 2014 - 2020.

For more information, contact 801-422-6266

Links and Resources

  1. Radio Broadcast - Aired March 23, 2015
  2. Inventor Webpage - Daniel Smalley
  3. The Economist Article